Meditation, Is the Challenge Worth the Benefit?

After spending time with Sharon Salzberg  a few weeks back, I’ve been motivated to meditate more regularly and differently.  I’ve been practicing mindfulness for years and it’s still not always easy for me.  I do notice that the more often and longer I meditate, the more often it is easier.  Sometimes it is down right difficult to be focused or to settle into the moment.  And this is normal and the challenge and the practice.  Let’s face it, it takes time.  For me, it is a practice that I am willing to practice.  And I am grateful when I do.

Sharon talked about the practice of letting go, i.e. letting go of thoughts that distract from the moment, from the breath.  (By the way, she is very good at demonstrating distracting thoughts and is quite funny doing it.)  The expectation is that we will be distracted and we practice letting go of those distractions.  Then, we begin again, focusing on the breath or something in the moment.  We let go and begin again as often as we need to.  It is a practice and builds resiliency.

After reading from her and listening to her recordings, I enjoyed  her perspective in person, in the moment.   I am inspired by her to further develop my mindfulness practice.  The research says that mindful meditation is good for us but more importantly to me, I feel better.  We each make that choice, is the challenge of meditating worth the benefit to you?